The FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance) sent out a notice to doctors that COVID is on the rise again. Most people are almost numb anymore to the media’s fear campaign, and the expertise at the FLCCC is indeed saying there is no reason to panic.
Let me give you the gist of the information exactly as FLCCC.net gave it to us:
“A new COVID variant is gaining ground in the United States. You’ve probably been hearing about it in the news, and we’ve certainly been seeing it in our patients in recent weeks.
First of all, DO NOT PANIC.
EG.5 — also known as the “Eris” variant — certainly seems to be highly contagious, but from what we’re seeing it is less virulent. In other words, it’s a lot like the Omicron variants we’ve seen recently — lots of cases, but not a lot of extreme illness or hospitalization.
If you’ve been exposed to the virus before, you likely have some natural ability to fight it off. We are finding that patients who have not been previously exposed are the ones hit hardest right now.
The advice we’ve been sharing from the FLCCC all along still stands — do what you can to prevent getting ill and if you do get it, treat immediately. Early treatment is critical.
Common symptoms
The symptoms of this latest wave are like other respiratory illnesses, and include things like dry cough, sore throat, conjunctivitis, headache, skin rashes, diarrhea, and fever. However, we have been noticing a few unique symptoms, including:
- Nasal congestion and sinus pain
- Dental pain and soreness of gums and teeth
- Puffy face
- Swelling and/or pain related to the orbit of the eye
- Malaise and muscle pain
- Tiredness and fatigue
There is no need to wait for a confirmed PCR test to begin treatment if these symptoms arise. The tests were developed for older variants and reliability was mixed at best. Tests can be negative for days until a positive result appears, and that is valuable time lost. If you begin to experience any of the symptoms listed above, start treatment immediately.
If you have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea), chest pain or chest pressure, or lost motor skills or the ability to speak, seek medical attention immediately.
In terms of a treatment strategy, we want to start with killing the virus in the upper respiratory system. Nasal rinses and nose or throat sprays are effective for this. We have advice on this in the I-CARE: Early COVID treatment protocol. This should be paired with systemic antivirals like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Next, it is important to take a range of supplements that help boost the immune system.
Clean up your diet: It almost goes without saying, but what you eat and when you eat it has a profound effect on your overall health. Intermittent fasting and balancing your gut microbiome are key.
If you’ve been following FLCCC for a while, much of this will sound familiar. Our early treatment protocol is still the right place to start when COVID comes to call.
Many people have asked whether they should start up a prophylactic treatment of ivermectin again. On that front, our advice has not really changed: if you have significant comorbidities, lack natural immunity, or have a suppressed immune system you may want to try a twice-weekly dose of ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg. Likewise, consider it if you are currently suffering from long COVID or post-vaccine syndrome and are not currently being treated with ivermectin. If you have an upcoming situation where you may have high possible exposure — such as travel, weddings, or conferences — taking daily ivermectin starting two days before departure and either daily or every other day during the period of high exposure is a reasonable approach.
Remember to immediately initiate daily ivermectin at treatment doses (0.4 mg/kg) at the first signs of any kind of viral syndrome. It bears repeating: Early treatment is essential!
Most of all, pay no mind to the ongoing drumbeat of fear-mongering that the mainstream media is providing. We know the routine. We’ve been here before.“
Give us a call or an email to get your medicine cabinet stocked so you are ready. We can calculate the correct dose of antiviral medications for you.
If you are up for watching an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, here is one I found interesting that came out August 20. They discuss the recent messaging about future masking and lockdowns. Click here to watch.
And, I’ll also include an article on what happened recently in court when lawyers for the FDA acknowledged that doctors have always had the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID.
Dr. Linda Wright
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Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director
(602) 565-9273