There were two Wall Street Journal opinion pieces published recently that I think are especially relevant. And I find it really interesting that a big mainstream media outlet is openly questioning policies that a year ago or so would have gotten writers deplatformed.
“Biden Waves Through Another Covid Shot” was written by Marty Makary of the John Hopkins School of Medicine. He questions why Congress is being asked to fund a newly designed booster shot that likely will be recommended in just a few months to everyone. Makary asks – out loud – a question that I have heard for a year or more from medical colleagues: “Is this our new drug approval process?” Great question. Undermining the normal scientific and regulatory process erodes public trust and creates potentially dangerous new drugs.
He points out that last fall’s boosters were approved and recommended with no human data:
“The recommendation was based on mouse data and failed to recognize the 100,000-fold risk difference between a healthy young person and a comorbid elderly adult. Only 20.5% of American adults took it, and some were compelled to do so by employers or schools. The government paid $4.9 billion for 171 million doses, the vast majority of which went to waste.”
He points out that the annual flu shot gets approved without a randomized trial. But:
“But flu shots use a traditional vaccine platform that has withstood the test of time, and Covid vaccines have higher complication rates. The latter have a rate of serious adverse events as high as 1 in 556 doses, according to a study published last year in the journal Vaccine. They have also been found to cause myocarditis in young people at a rate 6 to 28 times the incidence after infection, according to a 2022 JAMA Cardiology study.”
Since when don’t we test for safety before we give these shots to adults, pregnant women, children, and even babies? Many doctors and scientists are wringing their hands over the erosion of the regulatory process.
And how to make the boosters relevant? What is about to be approved is formulated to target Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 which was dominate in early 2023. But by August, the focus was on the Eris (EG.5) variant. And now that’s old news; the new variant is Pirola (BA.2.86). The boosters cannot adapt as fast as nature.
For those of you with a subscription to the WSJ, click here to read Makary’s piece.
The other opinion piece that got my attention was “No Covid Compliance This Time Around,” written by Matthew Hennessey – he’s the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial features editor. He tells us that his father died of cancer during the pandemic, but he didn’t go visit him:
“I largely did as I was told during the pandemic. I wore the masks, got the shots, worked from home, worshiped online… I complied because everyone seemed to be complying and I didn’t have the guts to say no. In hindsight I can’t help but feel I sold my God-given freedom too cheaply. I won’t get fooled again.”
The media is all too happy to start another round of covid hysteria. A few college campuses and business offices are already demanding a return to masks. Hennessey wrote:
“Whatever happens, I won’t participate in meaningless gestures. That means no masks, under any circumstances. Never again. I’ll also pledge no fist bumps, no grocery washing, no crossing the street to avoid my neighbors, no locking myself away from the world, no health attestations. I won’t present my papers. I won’t swab my nose morning, noon and night. And I won’t submit to mandates that fill my veins—or, more important, my children’s veins—with new drugs and vaccines that haven’t been tested the way drugs and vaccines normally are.”
Whew. In the pages of a mainstream American newspaper! So many voices like his are saying now that the last three years taught them not to “get fooled again.”
For those of you with a subscription to the WSJ, click here to read Hennessey’s editorial.
According to the CDC and news reports, Covid cases are increasing because of the new variants. And that aligns with what we are seeing ourselves and hearing from other colleagues. The key piece of advice: TREAT EARLY. The Covid tests are not reliable, and you want to treat as early as possible, not wait days until you may test positive. So at the first sign of symptoms, start to take action. Get ready for that ahead of time by having the medications and other support items in your medicine cabinet so you can start treatment at the first suspicion something is starting. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 602-565-9273 to obtain a consultation and prescription antivirals and immune enhancing supplements.
Dr. Linda Wright
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Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director
(602) 565-9273