You know I’m a big fan of Dr. Peter McCullough, the world-renowned cardiologist who advocated for early treatment of COVID patients. He understood that we could stop the disease at the first stage of virus replication and avoid going into stages two (cytokine storm) and three (organ failure/death). He and his colleagues saved thousands of lives.
McCullough was in Europe this month; he gave a speech to the European Union Parliament in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic Response. He gave a succinct summary in 17 minutes of who is behind the pandemic and what has been learned about vaccine injuries. He warned the ministers not to believe what he calls “the latest fake narrative that long COVID” is causing the excess deaths:
“The first false narrative was the virus is unassailable, we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful.
The second false narrative is take a vaccine, it’s safe and effective.
We are now seeing a third false narrative. The third false narrative is: it’s not the vaccine causing these problems, it’s covid.
Don’t fall for the false narrative. The medical literature at this point in time is compelling. The Bradford-Hill criteria for causality have been fulfilled. The vaccines are causing this enormous wave of illness.”
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Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director
(602) 565-9273