Arizona Corona Virus hearings were held recently, and I promised you a summary. The “Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee” hearing took place at the Arizona state capitol last Friday.
Here’s my take:
This is the second time the committee has met, and the focus this time was on the vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, limiting people’s ability to live normally, and government overreach with experimental medical products.
Dr. Peter Chambers, an Army special operations flight surgeon and Green Beret, explained that when the vaccine became available in early 2021, his job was to inoculate thousands of Army soldiers. But he saw a dozen or more young, healthy soldiers die after the shot. He dug deeper and started giving recipients a more detailed informed consent. “I was following the science,” he said, “but they told me to follow the policy instead.” When he was ordered to stop the informed consents, he refused what he felt was an unlawful order. Thus, he was stripped of benefits and pay and forced into retirement.
Photos of servicemen who died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine

Dr. Peter McCullough has concluded that all the COVID-19 vaccines are not safe for human use and should be removed from the market. He shared a number of statistics on the vaccines, including:
• It is estimated that 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid-19 vaccine. According to the self-reporting VAERS system, the US total is 18,188 but he believes the real number is probably 10-fold higher than that.
• One in 800 people who got the shot died from the shot.
• 4.2% of people got a shot which came with side effects and deaths.
• About 30% of the recipients are fine, had no problem at all. Then there’s the 2/3rds in between who have some residual problems, but not of the severity of the 4.2 percenters.

He noted that the State Attorney Generals offices have jurisdiction over a consumer product safety issue and this can be dealt with at the state level. Idaho now prohibits any business in the state from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for work or venue access, and Florida is moving in that same direction.
Attorney Aaron Siri discussed informed consent and how to decide whether to consent to a vaccine or some other medical product. He also discussed exemptions to vaccines and the argument regarding mandates which were largely based on the idea the vaccines stopped transmission of Covid-19. He went into a lot of detail about how many of the vaccines mandated for school children do not stop transmission. He stated there shouldn’t be any mandates of any medical products. But if political pressure creates mandates, there must be exemptions. Aaron Siri is with the law firm Siri and Glimstad, which has about 60 professionals, over half of whom are doing vaccine work.

This was a very informative meeting with a lot more slides and data. You can hear all the testimony firsthand by clicking on the legislature website: https://www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?eventID=2023101011
Another hearing will be held in December.
Dr. Linda Wright
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(602) 565-9273