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2023-04-06 Is sickness the new normal?

There is no other condition that I am aware of where vitamins and supplements make such a big difference than COVID-19. We have an abundance of data that we need to be replete with a variety of micronutrients and that includes vitamins and minerals and other substances that our bodies need.

– Dr. Peter McCullough, March 6, 2023, “The McCullough Report” Podcast

Way to go, Dr. McCullough, you nailed it once again!

The immune system cannot mount a robust response to COVID – or to a lot of other conditions – if the body’s nutrient toolbox is poorly stocked.

We know that when COVID-19 came calling, whether your body’s toolbox was well stocked with nutrients made a big difference.

In Spain, for example, it was found that vitamin C levels were so low as to be undetectable in more than 90% of patients with coronavirus-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome.1 Another Spanish study showed that giving patients vitamin D reduced the odds of ICU admission by 98%.2 In the Netherlands, patients who died from the virus or who had to go into intensive care had much lower levels of vitamin K than healthy people.3 In Germany and China, the lower your level of selenium, the more you were likely to die from Covid-19.4,5 Ditto for zinc which inhibits viral replication.6,7

That’s why as I help people prevent and recover from COVID and long COVID, I put so much emphasis on minerals and other supplements, and nutrition. Most doctors get maybe 6 hours of nutrition training in med school and don’t use nutrition in their practices – as if nutrition isn’t even a part of health and medicine. Not me. My mother was an early Adele Davis fan. As a youngster, I helped out at the family’s 1-acre family garden. As a doctor, I always encouraged my patients to do better with their food/eating habits because food is medicine. We have ignored that basic wisdom at our peril.

2023-04-06 Is sickness the new normal?

Today, the CDC says about 42% of us are obese – not just overweight, but outright obese. And we’ve got epidemics of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, gut disorders…

America is a nation that in large measure has become fat and sick. What happened?

When you look at footage from the WWII era, documentaries about Woodstock (1969), and even the family photo album from the 1970s, it’s tough to find an overweight person in the images.

2023-04-06 Is sickness the new normal?

A lot has changed.

My mission today is to entice you to watch a 25-minute video that just blew me away. Dr. Zach Bush does an amazing job of showing us why there is so much sickness and what we can do about it. He removes the smoke and mirrors and explains it very simply. He’s a brilliant doctor who has done a brilliant job of connecting the dots for us. Click on this YouTube link to watch:
Dr. Zach Bush: “Chemical Farming & Loss of Human Health”

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Dr. Linda Wright

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2023-04-06 Is sickness the new normal?

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Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director

(602) 565-9273 

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