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Covid Variants are Actively Circulating, People Sick – 12.08.2023

COVID-19 Variants Are Actively Circulating, People Getting Sick


The new variants, the new strains of COVID, are circulating and they are sneaky. They have escaped our previous immunity. What are their names? Good question. Headlines give us the most likely suspects:

  • FOX NEWS: Cases of COVID variant BA.2.86 have tripled in 2 weeks, says CDC report
  • TODAY.COM: A new COVID variant, HV.1, is now dominant

Both are subvariants of Omicron. Both are very transmissible but are not causing more serious disease than other variants. Whichever one it is, I am seeing a lot more people with it in the last few weeks. There’s nothing overly distinctive about either one that you would be able to tell from symptoms. Basically, both BA.2.86 and HV.1 are going to look and feel similar to previous Omicron strains: 

  • Sore throat – the most common symptom I’m currently seeing 
  • Headache – the second most common symptom 
  • Congestion or runny nose 
  • Cough 
  • Fever or chills 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle or body aches 
  • New loss of taste or smell 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 

The medical literature suggests that those who have had a severe bout of COVID are more likely to develop long Covid. So let’s talk treatment.

I believe I had the beginning of the virus a few days ago – headache, sore throat, and I just felt “off.” I reached into my COVID arsenal for hydrogen peroxide, IVM, HCQ, and several herbal formulas that seem to really pack a punch. I was fine the next morning. No symptoms whatsoever, like it never happened! 

It seems that the types of symptoms and how severe they are usually depend more on the status of each person’s immune system than which variant caused the infection. I think it may be time again to procure food grade hydrogen peroxide and saline solution, pull out that nebulizer, and start using it every day for prevention. (Or at least gargle daily with H202.)  If you need the handout on how to do this, email us at

And when it comes to treatment, the earlier the better of course. One reason I call this variant sneaky is because it comes on subtly. It may start with a mild headache or sore throat that you are tempted to dismiss. DON’T. Don’t wait until you expose your family and it gains steam and is tougher to get rid of. It is not worth losing a couple days of work because you didn’t hit it at the first signs. One woman came to me 9 days after her first symptoms because she was testing and only on the ninth day did the test come back positive. As Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC says, don’t bother testing, just treat:

I think one of the positive lessons of COVID-19 was that we learned the immense value of the Nobel prize-winning drug IVM. Thus we have a new tool for the winter flu season. Influenza is a virus and instead of riding it out with chicken soup, we could treat it with this safe and effective anti-viral.

If you need to stock your medicine cabinet, give us a call at 602-565-9273.

If you have lingering symptoms, if you think you have long Covid, give us a call.

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And before I go, here are a couple interesting articles that I’ve recently come across:

Dr. Linda Wright

December 8, 2023

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Covid Variants are Actively Circulating, People Sick – 12.08.2023

Feel Free to Ask us Any Questions!

Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director

(602) 565-9273 

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