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Early Detection is Not Prevention – 10-08-2024

Early Detection is Not Prevention

“I’m not waiting. If it’s COVID, Paxlovid.” That’s from a TV commercial that’s running incessantly right now. They tell you to take the drug within the first 5 days of feeling symptoms.

Well, they got part of it right. Many of us argued 4 ½ years ago for early treatment – knock out the virus before things can evolve into the more dangerous cytokine storm. But the powers-that-be said NO to early treatment with antivirals. They told us to wait for the vaccine and send people to the hospital if they were turning blue. It is interesting that when the heavy-duty sales of COVID gene therapy shots were over, Pharma comes out with a campaign for a new early treatment drug.

Early Detection is Not Prevention – 10-08-2024

Problem is, Paxlovid doesn’t work nearly as well as Nobel prize-winning ivermectin. And on top of that, a new study found that 11% of those treated with Paxlovid become resistant to the drug. No such resistance has been found with hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.

Many of you called me to get ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine before you had symptoms because COVID has been going around again. And I’m hearing from some of you that ivermectin is magical again – take it within the first few hours of symptoms and it’s game over within 4-24 hours. And when you add in hydroxychlorine, you give that virus a one-two punch.

So, do you need to test positive for COVID? No! You don’t even need to test. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine work against COVID, flu, RSV, and the common cold.

I’ve recently seen several interesting essays warning that we will see another “pandemic” in the near future because an entire industry has sprung up from the financial success of the COVID pandemic. Here’s a recent snip from Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Since the pandemic racket’s primary source of revenue is selling proprietary products to “mitigate” the next pandemic, the [World Health Organization] treaty protects that market.

This is done by reaffirming the use of (incredibly profitable) emergency use pharmaceuticals which can be issued with minimal or no testing and that eliminates the lion’s share of the costs in bringing a new pharmaceutical to market.

Rather, with an EUA [Emergency Use Authorization], the manufacturer can roll out the pharmaceutical product absent a demonstration of its safety and effectiveness — because the manufacturer, government, WHO and everyone else involved is shielded from liability for injuries that result.

Americans are sitting ducks for another pandemic because our diet is horrible. Tasty, yes, but lacking the nutrients that maintain a strong immune system. Back in 2021, research done on hospitalized COVID patients in other countries showed low levels of vitamins C and D, the minerals selenium and zinc, and other nutrients. These very sick patients were running on fumes, so they fared worse than other people who came down with COVID. I heard on a podcast last month that 130 countries ban food from the United States because it is so unhealthy.

I thought you might like to see part of an email one of you sent me:

I would love to see you do an article entitled:  “EARLY DETECTION IS NOT PREVENTION……. DO YOU HEAR ME?”

This was one of the most valuable things you told me and that I heard in the past few years.  I know it sounds silly however our culture has been and continues to be brainwashed. 

So, what’s first on the list for prevention? You guessed it – clean up your diet. Now. No kidding. Get rid of the manufactured seed oils (soy, corn, canola, cottonseed), the sugars (candy, cookies, cakes, soda pop, etc.), the processed foods (just about anything in a bag or box with a bar code). What to eat? 100% grassfed meats, pasture-raised chickens and eggs, butter and high-quality certified olive oil, etc.

If you want to take a deeper dive into what to eat and why, you can dive into this 6-part series, The Original Food Fix. Find it at  Where it asks you to purchase the course, enter the coupon code “DrLinda” for $100 off the regular price. Let your family join in; this can be great motivation to get everyone in the household on the same page.

And the second thing on the list for prevention? We cannot forget. Although we want to put COVID behind us, as the saying goes: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. To that end, there’s a new book out entitled “What the Nurses Saw.” It’s available on Amazon and elsewhere. Also, I’ll post a summary of it on my website,  Look for the picture of the book at the top of the home page.

Early Detection is Not Prevention – 10-08-2024
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Early Detection is Not Prevention – 10-08-2024

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Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director

(602) 565-9273 

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