Gotta Follow The Directions
A woman I’ve been working with on long COVID and low thyroid issues called me the other day. She told me she hadn’t started all the supplements and was still eating processed snack foods. She still had fatigue and was only somewhat improved.
Other people are asking me if they should take CoQ10. How about NAD? Or X39 energy patches? Red light therapy? Hbot? All of these are good. But they are not a magic bullet.
Look, imagine you repairing a house after a big weather event: You need to fix cracks in the foundation and you need to repair the wood framing, wallboard, windows, doors. You might need to to work on the plumbing and electricity. You fix the basics before you resituate your comfy furniture and hang your new chandelier. Our bodies likewise need the basics – amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, sunlight. When your body has those, it can heal itself. Many people think it is all about the immune system these days. No, that’s important but you can’t fix the immune system well without fixing the whole body. If things are missing, they are missing everywhere.
Time for some tough love here.
There is no one magic bullet that allows us to leapfrog over the need to do the basic work. If we lived in Europe, I think this job would be a lot easier because everyone who travels there tells me how wonderful the food is and how they ate everything in sight because it tasted so good, yet they even lost weight. Here in America, however, nutrition gets no respect from Big Food and Big Ag. Government dietary guidelines are shaped by lobbyists, not health professionals. So we have to work at it on an individual level.
If you are driving a Ferrari and the engine goes out, you don’t go to the junkyard and get an old Ford engine, put it in, and expect the Ferrari to run well again. (Hint – the old Ford engine represents processed food.) Our body is a Ferrari. It doesn’t run well on junk food.
I didn’t come up with this concept. Mother Nature did. I am just translating it.
So when a person tells me they still feel bad, haven’t seen much improvement, I ask if they ordered the supplements on the list I gave them. Usually, they didn’t. To get a good outcome, you gotta follow directions. I know that person would be so much better if they had followed the directions because the process has worked so many times before.
People who follow the directions amaze me. It shocks me how many times we have turned around people who have been sick for years. After the fourth or fifth visit they say, “I don’t need you anymore.” Music to my ears.
Stay out of the heat, enjoy the summer, and we’ll be back in August.
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Feel Free to Ask us Any Questions!
Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director
(602) 565-9273