Post-Vaccination Syndrome – Long VAX
“A severe, debilitating, chronic post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) after covid-19 vaccination has been reported but has yet to be well characterized.” That is the opening line from a new study led by Yale researchers with eighteen authors.
A few months ago, the term “Long Vax” came into the medical literature. Now PVS. What’s the difference? Long Vax and PVS are functionally synonymous, but PVS is more palatable politically – “syndrome” doesn’t imply harm from a vaccine manufacturer and thus chances are better this will make it past the censors.
The study itself is interesting, not only for how they delicately navigated the politics of the subject matter to get this published, but for what they found in the 247 adults who reported PVS from May 2022 through July 2023. The median time to symptom onset after vaccination was just 3 days. People diagnosed with long COVID or with any other pre-vaccine diagnosis that could produce similar symptoms were excluded from the study. So, it was a somewhat small number of people studied, but solid. And it is the largest study yet to describe people who report a severe, debilitating chronic condition following COVID-19 vaccination:
“PVS could be caused by several potential mechanisms, including a mechanism related to the vaccination or manufacturing process. It may represent a rare response to vaccines in susceptible individuals. Some investigators have concluded, based on their self-referred case series, that vaccines may cause immune system dysfunction. They focused on people with neuropathy after vaccination and could not identify other causes. In 2 of 5 participants, the cerebrospinal fluid had oligoclonal bands, and they found immune complexes in some skin biopsies. Nevertheless, the syndrome could be unrelated to the vaccination, occurring by chance during the vaccination period. However, the temporal relationship with clustering of symptom onset within the first 1–18 days from the index vaccine suggests a potential relationship. The possibility that the syndrome may be related to the vaccination has implications for future vaccine development and safety surveillance … As PVS is associated with considerable suffering, there is an urgent need to understand its mechanism to provide prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies.”
You can see how they walked the censorship tightrope to bring this information to light.
The study is available on a preprint server; you can read it here: “Post-Vaccination Syndrome: A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization.” In the right column, click on “Download the PDF” to read the complete study, and click on “Supplementary Material” to see all the charts.
And I just have to share this. The CDC’s Twitter account pushed for more COVID booster shots around Thanksgiving. The public’s response is fascinating: https://twitter.com/CDCgov/status/1725543101161177510?s=20
Dr. Linda Wright
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(602) 565-9273