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Breakthroughs in Treating Long COVID – 02-05-2025
I’ve spoken at length with the medical team and I agreed to work as a practitioner in this independent clinical trial and study. This means I can enroll you in the study and arrange for you to take the lab test and receive the homeopathic remedies.
Lot’s of Goodies in Here – 01-06-2025
Here’s hoping your December holidays were warm, full of love, and that you are looking forward to what you can bring to the new year. There were a few items that really caught my attention in the last month and, in the event you didn’t see them during the December hustle, let me bring them forward to you.
Kennedy Wants to Shake It Up – 11-20-2024
For those of us in medicine, the top news is the appointment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to a cabinet position to head up the department of Health and Human Services (HHS), pending Senate approval.
Arizona event with McCullough, Hooker, McKernan, Makis – 11-06-2024
When COVID hit, most medical professionals followed the mainstream medical narrative: Tell your patients to stay home until they are sick enough to go to the hospital; and mostly, wait for the vaccine.
Early Detection is Not Prevention
“I’m not waiting. If it’s COVID, Paxlovid.” That’s from a TV commercial that’s running incessantly right now. They tell you to take the drug within the first 5 days of feeling symptoms. Well, they got part of it right. Many of us argued 4 ½ years ago for early treatment – knock out the virus before things can evolve into the more dangerous cytokine storm.
Test? Who Needs A Test? – 08/19/2024
One of the most common questions I get is whether there is a test for long COVID. The answer: No. NIH has spent a boatload of money looking for some sort of biomarker and have come up empty-handed. There is a test for whether you have an active COVID infection, but long COVID is still diagnosed by the symptoms.
Gotta Follow The Directions – 07/18/2024
A woman I’ve been working with on long COVID and low thyroid issues called me the other day. She told me she hadn’t started all the supplements and was still eating processed snack foods. She still had fatigue and was only somewhat improved.
New COVID Variant Out There – 05/15/2024
For most of this year, the JN.1 variant of the coronavirus accounted for an overwhelming majority of Covid cases. But now, an offshoot variant called KP.2 is taking off. The variant, which made up just one percent of cases in the United States in mid-March, now makes up over a quarter. KP.2 is “very, very close” to JN.1.
March 15, Senate Hearing #3 – 02/28/2024
What happened behind the closed doors of Arizona’s hospitals during COVID-19? We heard stories that some hospitals said they were full but they were empty. We heard stories about families fighting with hospital administrators over giving treatment to dying loved ones. What’s the truth, at least in Arizona?
I attended the FLCCC (Front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance) conference February 2-4 in Mesa. Wow. Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory started the organization; they were there with a slew of really bright speakers who, despite the risk to their careers, kept successfully treating patients. These docs have come such a long way.
Have You Been Getting Sick More Often Lately? – 02/09/2024
So how many times have you gotten sick with some upper respiratory thing in the last year? There is a question going around in my circles: Could SARS-CoV-2 infection or something about the pandemic response have altered our immunity to common respiratory viruses? What’s happening?
FLCCC Meeting in Arizona in February – 01/17/2024
In February, I will be attending the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) Educational Conference. You might want to go too. The conference will be at the Sheraton Mesa at Wrigleyville West (Metro-Phoenix area).
COVID-19 Variants Are Actively Circulating, People Getting Sick – 12/08/2023
The new variants, the new strains of COVID, are circulating and they are sneaky. They have escaped our previous immunity. What are their names? Good question. Headlines give us the most likely suspects:
Post-Vaccination Syndrome – Long VAX – 11/28/2023
“A severe, debilitating, chronic post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) after covid-19 vaccination has been reported but has yet to be well characterized.” That is the opening line from a new study led by Yale researchers with eighteen authors
Oct AZ Capitol Hearing – 10/24/2023
I promised you a summary of the “Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee” hearing that took place at the Arizona state capitol last Friday. Here’s my take:
Oct 20 at AZ Capitol: Hearing with Dr. McCullough – 10/20/2023
Heads up everyone – The 2nd “Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee” hearing will take place in downtown Phoenix at the state capitol this Friday, October 20, 8AM – 5PM in Senate Hearing Room 1.
McCullough – Don’t Blame Long Covid for This – 09/26/2023
You know I’m a big fan of Dr. Peter McCullough, the world-renowned cardiologist who advocated for early treatment of COVID patients. He understood that we could stop the disease at the first stage of virus replication and avoid going into stages two (cytokine storm) and three (organ failure/death).
The Mainstream Media Printed This – 09/18/2023
There were two Wall Street Journal opinion pieces published recently that I think are especially relevant. And I find it really interesting that a big mainstream media outlet is openly questioning policies that a year ago or so would have gotten writers deplatformed.
COVID Is On The Rise Again – 08/25/2023
The FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance) sent out a notice to doctors that COVID is on the rise again. Most people are almost numb anymore to the media’s fear campaign, and the expertise at the FLCCC is indeed saying there is no reason to panic.
Attend hearing May 25-26 on how AZ handled COVID-19 – 05/17/2023
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was a clear-cut case of politics slamming into medicine. A lot went wrong. And it’s important to delve into that because it is likely there will be another pandemic in our lifetime.
Talking COVID Downtown – 06/01/2023
I went down to the Arizona state capitol Thursday, May 25 and Friday, May 26 and listened to legislative hearings on the statewide response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Is Sickness the New Normal? – 04/06/2023
“There is no other condition that I am aware of where vitamins and supplements make such a big difference than COVID-19. We have an abundance of data that we need to be replete with a variety of micronutrients and that includes vitamins and minerals and other substances that our bodies need.”
Things Go Better with Vitamin D. – 02/24/2023
After my last newsletter about vitamin D, many of you contacted me questioning how much to take. Some people told me they were taking 2,000 IU per day; some said something like 1,000 IU two or three times a week.
What’s K2 Got To Do With It? – 01/31/2023
Is it COVID, the flu, or RSV? Well, they all are respiratory infections, both have a similar list of symptoms, and both are treated about the same way. We usually can get the medications to you within 24 hours after you call us.
Did you go viral yet? – 12/21/2022
Is it the flu, or is it COVID? That’s a great question. The list of symptoms is very similar. Both target the respiratory system. The treatment is similar because both are viral infections.
Don’t want to go viral for the holidays? – 12/13/2022
More COVID variants are predicted in the coming months, and the winter season is usually flu season. Here’s a link to a short video (under 2 minutes) I think you’ll find pertinent: Is it COVID or the Flu with Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC.

Feel Free to Ask us Any Questions!
Dr. Linda Wright, Owner/Director
(602) 565-9273